United Pharma - Leading Manufacturer of Ayurvedic Medicines
Heal the world with the power of Ayurveda - United Pharma, Kanpur, India
Heal the world with the power of Ayurveda - United Pharma, Kanpur, India
Heal the world with the power of Ayurveda - United Pharma, Kanpur, India
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Excellence in Manufacturing Ayurvedic Medicines

Since 2005

For more than a decade, United Pharma, manufacturer of ayurvedic medicines & herbal products in kanpur, has been serving people with its proven ayurvedic herbal remedies. Bringing holistic approach of ayurvedic science into modern-day formulations, our range of Ayurvedic Medicines covers the diverse needs of patients that help to prevent, heal and protect against diseases.

United Pharma was built to heal and educate mankind through the enhancing powers of Ancient Ayurveda along with day-to-day advancements in technologies. We believe in continuous improvement of internal and external environment with the blessings of mother nature to maintain our result-oriented aspect.

  • GMP Certified Ayurvedic Medicines
  • 100% Ayurvedic Medicines
  • No Side Effects of Ayurvedic Medicines
  • Laboratory Tested Ayurvedic Medicines
What is Ayurveda?

Cherish our innate-nature with Ayurveda

According to Dr. Prana Gogia - “Life (ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind, and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.”

Ayurveda is perceived as one of the most ancient and well-documented systems of medicine equally relevant in modern times. The Sanskrit term Ayurveda translates to “knowledge of life,” and the principles of this ancient wisdom remind us that the entire web of life is intricately interwoven.

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Why Choose Us

How we are different from others

Manufacturing 100% Natural & Ayurvedic Products

Pure & Natural

While caring for the world around us, it is our constant endeavor to maintain transparency and integrity, along with highest standards of modern manufacting industry and embibing the wisdom from ancient scripture Charak Samhita.

Suitable To All

All our products are expertly blended with vegan ingredients and skin-friendly formulations which are designed for utmost fitness and well-being; thus making our product range a basic need for a modern lifestyle.

Best Quality Medicines

We believe that ethicality and natural sustainability go hand in hand, So Quality is the only focus and aim when it comes to our Medicines, which is born through our constant commitment towards the Ancient Medical Science "Ayurveda".

Permanent Remedies

Ayurveda cures the root problem, not just symptoms. Our Products aims to restore health, by attacking the root causes and detoxifying, cleansing, strengthening body tissues and balancing body.

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