United Pharma - Ayurvedic Medicines Manufacturer

The Aesthetic of our Bussiness ideology

Founder's Message

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I believe in the immortality of the soul. The Ayurveda story seems barely credible and literally translate as "Science of life". Ayurveda is the system of medicine that evolved in India with a rational logical foundation and it was survived as a distinct entity from remote antiquity to the present day. Ayurveda stresses the use of plant based medicines and treatments. Ayurveda offers an alternative medical mode for health. United Pharma, ayurvedic pharma company in Kanpur, is indulge in profiteering to manufacture and market various kinds of herbal products in various desirable dosage forms like syrup, capsule, ointment, oil and more for different diseases with basic principle of ayurveda as per guide line of GMP to keep the state of balance between body,mind and more since a decade.

Now the United Pharma, manufacturer of ayurvedic products, has got the approval of GMP. At present it has extended its base to a desirable capacity and to manufacture more medicines under the umbrella.

The produce manufactured by United Pharma impart no side effect and are also available at affordable prices to all. Sincerity of the qualified staff and trained persons involved in production based on ayuvedic culture under hygienic condition will certainly add a new feather in the days to come. I hope that united pharma will be able to maintain the availability with zeal and zest to sizable marker of the products in future with full satisfaction to the users.

- Dr. J.P. Srivastava

Founder's Signature

  • GMP Certified Ayurvedic Medicines
  • 100% Ayurvedic Medicines
  • No Side Effects of Ayurvedic Medicines
  • Laboratory Tested Ayurvedic Medicines
Why Choose Us

How we are different from others

Manufacturing 100% Natural & Ayurvedic Medicines

Pure & Natural

While caring for the world around us, it is our constant endeavor to maintain transparency and integrity, along with highest standards of modern manufacting industry and embibing the wisdom from ancient scripture Charak Samhita.

Suitable To All

All our products are expertly blended with vegan ingredients and skin-friendly formulations which are designed for utmost fitness and well-being; thus making our product range a basic need for a modern lifestyle.

Best Quality Medicines

We believe that ethicality and natural sustainability go hand in hand, So Quality is the only focus and aim when it comes to our Medicines, which is born through our constant commitment towards the Ancient Medical Science "Ayurveda".

Permanent Remedies

Ayurveda cures the root problem, not just symptoms. Our Products aims to restore health, by attacking the root causes and detoxifying, cleansing, strengthening body tissues and balancing body.

Our Mission

Our vision is to be recognised as pioneers of Ayurvedic remedies for all diseases from head to toe, especially for orphaned cases where other systems have failed. Our dream is to increase the popularity of Ayurveda by dispelling the fallacy surrounding it and enabling Ayurveda to be considered as Mainstream Medicine.

Our Vision

Our mission is to serve people by providing them affordable medicines without undesirable side effects. We strive to educate people that Ayurveda can not only cure chronic ailments but can also give instant relief to assist the proper functioning of the human body.

Quality Policy

We hold all the requisite facilities that are essential for nurturing quality performance of the entire product gamut. Every product developed & marketed by us undergoes stringent quality control measures. We emphasize on right selection of herbs, its scientific processing & efficacy evaluation. Toxicological & pharmacological profile of each & every herb is thoroughly documented before its inclusion for the product formulation. We have endeavored in delivering quality and excellence in our entire product assortment.
What People say
