United Pharma - Ayurvedic Medicines Manufacturer
Child Care
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Child Care

Sure shot remedy for diarrhea & dysentery

Herbal antidiarrheal contains traditionally accepted herbs like Angle marmelos , Punica granatum  and Berberis aristata. Herbal antidiarrheal is absolutely safe with out any side effect or after effect. It also maintains normal intestinal flora unlike modern antibiotics which disturbs the same.

The antibacterial and astringent actions of Diadis regularize bowel movements and are effective in the management of diarrhea & dysentery. Being an amoebicidal agent, Diadis is a beneficial remedy in acute / chronic amoebic infections. Diadis posses anti-inflammatory and demulscent properties to fascilitate the intestinal mucosa and its antispasmodic action relieve abdominal colic associated with bowel infection.

Diadis is a  Natural Anti-diarrhoeal, Regularises Gut Mobility & Relieves Abdominal Discomfort

“A Safe & Well Tolerated Anti-Diarrhoeal Formula for Children & Elderly ”

Key Ingredients :

Angle marmelos (Bel)

Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra)

Punica granatum (Dadim)

Foeniculum vulgare (Badi Saunf)

Berberis aristata (Daruharidra)

Myristica fragrans (Jaifal)

Zingiber officinale (Sunthi)

Aconitum hetrophyleum (Ativish)

Apium leptohylleum (Ajmoda)

Indication :

·        Acute watery Diarrhoea

·        Acute Bloody Diarrhoea (Dysentery)

·        Toxins induced diarrhoea

·        Traveler’s Diarrhoea

·        Amoebiasis

·        Irritable Bowel Syndrome

·        Intestinal & colon inflammation

·        Gripes & Colics associated with IBS


Dosage :   Infant : 5ml t.i.d.

Above 6 months : 10ml t.i.d.

Adults: 15ml t.i.d


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