United Pharma - Ayurvedic Medicines Manufacturer
Brain Care
  • Brain Care

Brain Care

The Natural Anxiolytic

Arika capsule contains ashwagandha, is the Sanskrit name of the plant Withania somnifera acclaimed medicinal plant, known for centuries in the India system of medicine, for its salutary action on the human system. Ashwangandha have proved its effectiveness as an anti stress agent and as one of the most potent adaptogenic. This helps increase non specific body resistance thereby making the body more adaptable to internal and external stress while improving immune body responses. Ashawagandha herb have great medicinal properties, its root is considered to be the most potent. Jatamansi calms the nervous system.

Key Ingredients :

Withania somnifera


Nardostacays jatamansi


Indication :

• Anxiety

• Stress

• Depression

• Insomnia

Dosage : 1 Capsule b.i.d for 1st Week followed with 1 Capsule      OD  at bed time.


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