United Pharma - Ayurvedic Medicines Manufacturer
Bone And Joint Care
  • Bone And Joint Care

Bone And Joint Care

Anti Inflammatory and Anti Rheumatic

 Ayurgesic ointment exerts analgesic, counter irritant and rubefacient actions. Ayurgesic ointment have local vasodilatation properties which  improves circulation, alleviates pain, and the skeletal muscle relaxant action restores mobility of the joints.

Key Ingredients :

Mentha Spicata (Pudeena Sat)

Gaultheria Fragrantissina (Gandhpura Tail)

Pinus roxburghi (Saral)

Cinnamomum Zeyancium (DalChini)

Cetrus Deodara (Devdaru)

Vitex Negundo (Nirgundi)

Boswellia Serrata (Shallaki)

Zingiber Offocinale (Sonth)


Indication :

• Low back Pain

• Muscle spasms, sprains and pains

• Joint Pain, Swelling and tenderness

• Arthritis

Direction for use : External gentle massage on affected area twice or thrice a day, after warm water wash.


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