United Pharma - Ayurvedic Medicines Manufacturer
Women Care
  • Women Care

Women Care

The Right Answer to Regulate Menstruation

MC-Care capsule is a herbal remedy to regulate menstruation. MC-Care capsule is a non hormonal menstrual regulator. MC-Care capsule have stimulatory effect on uterine endometrium which induces onset of menstrual flow. MC-Care capsule normalizes muscle tone of uterus and allays pre-menstrual tension.

Key Ingredients :

Apium gravalens (Ajmod )

Daucus Carota Gajar Beej

Raphanus Saticus (Mooli Beej)

Ferulanrthex (Shudha Heeng)

Asparagus abscendens (Safed Musli)

Sodii biboras ashes (Tankad Bhasma)

Alum ashes (Sfatik Bhasma)



Indication :

 • Oligomenorrhea

• Delayed Puberty

• Amenorrhea

• Delayed Menstruation Cycle

·      PCOD

Dosage : 2 capsule b.i.d. for 2 days, 1 capsule b.i.d. for 3rd day with hot / lukewarm water.


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